Thank you so much for your interest to join MMSN.
1. Membership Fee
– Undergraduate students (Basic Science): NRs 250
– Undergraduate students (Clinical): NRs 500
– Intern doctors, Medical Officers: NRs 1000
– Resident doctors, consultants, independent researchers: NRs 2000
– International members: USD 50
2. Bank details
Himalayan Bank Limited, Maharajgunj Branch, Kathmandu
Account Name: Mountain Medicine Society of Nepal
Account Number: 002 0167363 0028
Account Type: Current Account
Swift Code: HIMANPKA
Note: You can pay via IME PAY/Khalti/connectIPS/e-banking/mobile-banking/physical deposit
3. Membership Form
MMSN Membership Application Form: MMSN Membership Application Form – Google Forms
Please read this section carefully before filling out this form.
a. Please check your membership fee from the list above and pay the specified amount in the MMSN bank account shown (via connectIPS/e-banking/mobile-banking/physical deposit/IME PAY/Khalti). Take a photo of the voucher and upload it along with this form.
b. Please upload the latest photo of yourself. This photo will be used to issue MMSN digital membership card.
(Note: You can pay your membership fee by using the QR Code present below:)
4. Contact details:
About membership issues:
General queries:
Reg. No.: 264/060/061
Social Welfare Council No. :37482
Please write to for any membership-related issues.
Speak with our office staff Mr. Chhabi Rai at (+977 9818107803) if you have any other issues.